We love Change!
I am a face of change. A PHace of change. I am part of a worldwide mission for hope. Hope. I know that nobody can prevent me from choosing to be exceptional. From choosing to make a difference. And at the end of the day the only question there remaining then becomes....the only question will be: What kind of difference did I make?
What kind of difference did *I* make?
Are YOU a PHace of Change?
Last month at WPPI, 30 of the biggest names (but so much more importantly the biggest HEARTS) in the photography industry gathered to film the Portrait House video in Las Vegas, Nevada. They stood huddled in the hallway outside of our room, waiting patiently for their turn. They laughed together and cried together. And TOGETHER... they made a difference.
When the last person had gone and the last line had been recorded, I looked at them and I burst into tears. For four hours I had held it in. The disbelief that this was actually coming together. The humbling gratitude that so many would give so much to make this happen. A year's worth of planning and hoping and praying, all taking shape before our very eyes. And it turns out that four hours is pretty much my maximum for holding something like that in. So I looked at them- especially, Ron & Tasra who had given so much of their time and themselves to film this for us, to make this dream a reality- I looked at them, and I cried.
Big fat, swollen tears.
Big fat, swollen tears that were sent free basing off the edge of my cheeks to land on their waiting shoulders below... staining their PH shirts an even deeper shade of blue.
Because they are the PHaces of change. The PHaces of Hope. And it is because of the faces you see below...
That there is no limit to what we can do. Together.

And in honor of all this change that's brewing on the horizon....this song was definitely calling out to me as the perfect anthem:
"Change" by Taylor Swift