Ooh, that's P.H.A.T.
Introducing our brand spankin' new Portrait House Advisory Team (yea, they're Pretty Hot and Tempting too! :)
Last night Justin and I had our first meeting with our new advisory team to hash out all the details of the Million Faces Campaign and all of our "next actions" for making it happen (P.S. special thanks to Nathan & Amber for us even having that phrase in our vocabulary... let alone actually doing it!). Wow, I can't even tell you how much energy there was in that room...you could literally feel the electricity in the air! We were all bouncing off the walls and just couldn't get our ideas out fast enough. I am so blown away with how much we accomplished and the clear path we laid out for the road ahead. It is nothing short of amazing what happens when you surround yourself with people smarter and more creative than yourself! :) I just want to give a huge thanks to everyone for all your hard work and awesome ideas...none of this would be happening without you!
It's funny how easy it was really to put this group together, because it was almost like they were self-selected. All of them basically came to us at one point or another and said "Look, I'm gonna be a part of this...I'm in it for the long haul...and this is what I'm doing to make it happen." How cool is that?! To date, Robert has pledged to *personally* raise $1,000 dollars by December and he just put the PH as the opening page of his website...Paul & Krystal are organizing a HUGE showing for PH at "Festivus," a music festival they are heading up...Steve DePino is planning a workshop where all the proceeds will go to PH and he's also working on getting us radio publicity...and Carla has been on board with the Million Faces campaign from the very beginning and is currently planning it's big launch this July. C'MON! How could we have even asked for better support than that?! We are so blown away by all the people stepping up to get involved and we still have plenty of stuff for people to do, so contact us if you wanna lend a hand!
Rock on!
I am so PHreaking excited to get started on the images from our kick off meeting!! HAPPIEST of Birthdays, Miss Mary!!
I had such a fun time that evening, and it's a shame that SteveDepino.com couldn't be there due to his stupi.....I mean VERY important whiffle ball game. :)
I've been throwing out the idea of the Million Faces to everyone I can to get some feedback and they all think it's not that difficult (for $1.00) and a great idea. We have to just be clear as to WHY we're doing it ( a friend thought her face would be singled out on a website with mention of her donation, had it been that she was not at all interested, when I explained she changed her mind. We're bound to get that off the bat) So we need to get our 'story' straight and consistant. I'm half thinking about running around with a foam core board in my trunk so i'm ready to shoot anywhere I need to!! I also want to update my webpage as well with your new links and graphics. We can always meet here if we need to in the future---don't hesitate to ask Mary and Justin.
That was an awesome meeting. I loved how we all worked together; no power struggle. Love the ideas and I can't stop talking about it.
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